In and out of juvenile detention as a youth, Leonard Ottone graduated to prison as a young man and eventually ended up in Pentridge where he continued to access drugs and maintain his habit. With the help of the other prisoners, Leonard finally learned to read and write as he struggled to write letters home to his family.
After many failed attempts, Leonard eventually recovered from his addiction and has established himself as an outreach professional, supporting others who struggle with addiction and successfully helping them to transform their lives.
He is the founder and CEO of Vicdor Living Centre, a not-for-profit organisation that provides support and service to people struggling to overcome substance abuse
“Hi Leonard. Had the privilege of reading your book “Coming Clean” over the weekend. In fact, picked it up Friday lunch time and read it in one session Friday night (Saturday morning!). Spectacular read. Inspirational because the end of the story is redemption of one man from the depths of crime, addiction and a trail of shattered relationships. Crime and addiction have given way to redemption and helping others. Who better to help addicts and criminals than one who has been there, done that and seen the light. At times a harrowing read. I winced at some of the raw descriptions. I also couldn’t help wondering how much more there was to the story of Leonard Ottone’s Journey that for personal or legal reasons remains untold. Should we watch out for Vol. II?
Congratulations on a number of levels. Firstly on your journey with its so far successful ending, secondly on having the courage to expose to public scrutiny what is a sometimes horrifying journey, thirdly for the inspiration you provide in the person you are and the telling of that journey - the real message is that no one, but no one is beyond salvation and redemption, and finally that your desire to help others extends even to the telling of this story and devoting the proceeds to a charity that is established to help those who may find themselves in the grip of the dug’s and addiction that once ruled your life. You’re special man!”
“Honestly mate after reading this book I’ve never been prouder of anyone in my life.I often take for granted what a good and easy childhood I’ve had, compared to people like you. To raise 6 kids and become the man you are today is such an achievement in itself, it makes me so happy. Appreciate everything you do for me, I love you so much daddio”
“I spent the weekend reading your story. It was raw and confronting, but such a touching and amazing story. As young as I am, I know there’s people in the world that have never been strong enough to stick and progress with positive change like you have. I admire the strength and courage you have demonstrated in order to turn your life around for good. Ill never forget when Dean finished your book, the tears that rolled down his face. Tears of happiness and relief of your achievements. I couldn’t wait to read to see why he was feeling like that... Now I’ve finally read it and want to congratulate you. Im so glad Dean has you, and glad that you are in my life as well! You should be so proud of who you are today.. Xx”
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